Cut squash into two equal halves - removing the seeds. Brush with 1 tablespoon oil, salt and pepper and place on baking sheet with parchment paper. Place face up in oven for approximately 45 minutes.
Once the squash has softened, let cool and remove the peel. Cut the roasted squash into small cubed pieces.
On a seperate baking sheet, coat pumpkin seeds with 1 teaspoon oil, garlic powder, paprika and pinch of salt. Spread evenly on parchment and press down lighly with a spatula to flatten the seeds.
Roast for 5 minutes in the oven and let cool.
Using the same bowl, whisk the oil, BeeMaid Honey and chili peppers together until evenly combined. Add the squash cubes and toss until fully coated.
Add squash to a plate and garnish with dried cherries, roasted pumpkin seeds and herb leaves.
crevettes décortiquées et déveinées, à soupe d’huile d’olive, de miel BeeMaid, de feta en cubes, à thé de sel, à thé de poivre noir, à thé d’ail en poudre, de flocons de piment chili, à soupe de persil frais, haché finement... Read More